Why visit France
France is a country with a rich history and culture, known for its elegant architecture, delicious food, and artistic and literary heritage. From the ancient Roman Empire to the French Revolution and the time of Louis XIV, France has been a place of important changes and influences around the world.
The country is known for being home to the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, the Arc de Triomphe and other iconic monuments. Paris, the French capital, is known as the "city of love" and is one of the most visited cities in the world. In addition to its monuments, France is famous for its wine, fashion, gastronomy and artistic heritage.
From the glamorous Casino de Monte Carlo in Monaco to the Château de Chambord in the Loire region, France is a country full of surprises and wonders to discover. The Champagne region is home to some of the world's most famous wines, while the city of Nice offers a vibrant beach and nightlife scene.
There is something for everyone in France, from the history lover to the nature lover to the fashion and culture buff. It's a country definitely worth visiting and exploring, so be sure to include it in your next travel itinerary.
Cities we visited in France
The Hexagon that enchants. We invite you to take a closer look at its incomparable political, artistic and gastronomic influence.
Photos from our trips
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