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Interactive Map of Turin

Explore Turin like never before with our interactive map, which will allow you to discover 41 fascinating points of interest and live unforgettable experiences.

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Traveling to Turin?

We show you why Turin needs to be part of your tour, along with its history and cultural significance. You will also find an explanatory presentation for each list of suggested activities. Plus, don't miss our photo gallery.

Catégories de cartes

Sur cette carte interactive, tu trouveras une sélection de nos endroits préférés à visiter, répartis en cinq catégories, chacune avec sa couleur associée.
icono museos

Monuments & Sites

icono arco de triunfo

Museés & Galeries & Palais

icono iglesia

Églises & Temples

icono parque

Places & Parcs

icono tickets

Expériences & Activités

Dans chaque catégorie, tu trouveras une liste numérotée de sites touristiques à visiter. N'oublie pas que ce n'est qu'une sélection de nos endroits préférés, il y en a forcément d'autres!
Moderno Edificio blanco

List with 41 places to visit in Turin

🏛️ Museums, Galleries and Palaces

1. Botanical Garden Museum

2. Carignano Palace

3. Egyptian Museum of Turin

4. Lavazza Museum

5. National Automobile Museum

6. National Cinema Museum

7. Palazzo Madama

8. Royal Palace of Turin

9. Venaria Castle

10. Villa della Regina

🏰 Monuments and Landmarks

11. Citadel of Turin

12. Fountain of the 12 Months

13. Lovers' Bench

14. Monument to Amadeus of Savoy

15. Monument to Ascanio Sobrero

16. Monumental Arch of the Artillery

17. Nietzsche's House

18. Palatine Gate

19. Royal Theatre

20. Umberto I Bridge

21. Valentino Castle

Churches and Temples

22. Basilica of Corpus Domini

23. Basilica of Maria Ausiliatrice

24. Basilica of Superga

25. Cathedral of Turin

26. Chapel of the Holy Shroud

27. Church of San Carlo Borromeo

28. Church of Santa Cristina

29. Church of Santa Maria del Monte dei Cappuccini

30. Church of the Great Mother of God

31. Sanctuary of the Consolata

🌳 Squares and Parks

32. Ginzburg Park

33. Piazza San Carlo

34. Piazza Solferino

35. Royal Gardens of Turin

36. Valentino Park

🎡 Experiences and Activities

37. Central Market of Turin

38. Climbing the Mole Antonelliana Tower

39. Galleria San Federico

40. Panoramic view of Superga

41. Subalpina Gallery

Image by NASA

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